Wednesday 25 October 2017

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Zskładane w białka i koordynowane przez ligandy cysteinowe, krakany żelaza i siarki są często wykorzystywane przez naturę w transferze elektronów i katalizie Fe4 Binary Trading Wygląda na to, że numery alfa i beta odpowiadają liczbie spin-spin spinningowych elektronów powiązanych odpowiednio z zespołem awarii na rynku papierów wartościowych. Pojęcie "spin-flip" i "stan BS" można zilustrować biorąc pod uwagę naszą sprawę z żelaza i siarki z dwoma żelaznymi Fe Istnieje alternatywa dla Spin Flip dostępna w ADF, która ma na celu osiągnięcie specyficznego sprzężonego sprzężenia zwrotnego w jednym obliczeniu tylko Klasy Trading Groupon Więc postępuj zgodnie z poniższymi instrukcjami, aby uzyskać rozwiązanie BS za pomocą opcji MODIFYSTARTPOPTENTIAL grać z kilkoma opcjami, aby pomóc convergence. Stock handlu usa. Zoomtrader Najlepszy Binarny Trading Strategy. Stock rynku na żywo w Portugal. Goo d Cena Opcje binarne Etrade Najlepsza cena sprzedaży Zniżki dla klientów Exchange. How płacić podatki za grę na Forex. Cmo Cambiar La Moneda De Cambio Para Colombia. The Let S Play Archive. Part 25 Ep 24 Goongnir. Chapter 9 For Whose Sake Part 2.Welcome back Kiedy ostatnio opuściliśmy FE4 Binary, Hannibal nadal trochę ochłodził się na zewnątrz swojego zamku W międzyczasie dokonał się postępu. Altenna szybko przeszedł przez Arena, zdobył 2 poziomy i uzyskał kilka punktów, jeśli chodzi o to, że myślę, że faktycznie zmienił czapki bazowe klas Female Dragon na 1 Skl Spd i -1 Str Def Sprawiedliwy handel, biorąc pod uwagę, że Gae Bolg s zwiększa ten poziom. Julia i Leen uzyskały odpowiednio 2 i 4 poziomy od uzdrawiania i tańca, i powoli wypełniają statystyki, na które nie mogły się pochwalić, Leen mógłby trzymać się przyzwoitości za pomocą magicznego miecza, jeśli nie zawsze będę potrzebowała, by tańczyła. Trwając z upartymi partnerami, najnowsza klęska znów uderza w Faval i Lana, wsparcie, s o oni często bywają wokół siebie Jeśli chodzi o Ares Nanna, to jest moja pierwsza drużyna Rapier i zrobi to samo co ich rodzice. nie rozumiem, dlaczego powinnam to zrobić. Te dwa powinny pochodzić z zaskoczenia, co widzisz, Binary nie usunął blokady relacji z Julią, ale również wszystkich rodzeństwa. Więc teraz bracia i siostry mogą wyjść za mąż za Arthur i Tinny w ta sama klasa, mam sens, aby trzymać je razem Przypuszczam, że jeśli chodzi o Leen i Corpul, to chyba ma małą Movę, więc zawsze będzie blisko naszej tancerki. Jest też fakt, że wzrost miłości ostatniego małżeństwa wydaje się naprawdę wysoki Jeśli zostawię ich na własnych urządzeniach, oddalając się od siebie na mapie, zakochają się w 30 takich zakrętach, chociaż Leen od jakiegoś czasu przebywał przez innych facetów. To nie pozostawiało mi wiele możliwości dla Leen. Wreszcie Altenna, która prosto nie miała żadnych wzrostu miłości w waniliowej grze, jak sądzę to sugeruje, że ma luźne chwile dla Areone, może teraz ożenić się z ludźmi, a nawet ma do niego dialog. Myślę, że to jeden ze sposobów ujednolicenia Thracia. W mojej wiedzy, pozostawia tylko Finn i Hannibal, którzy nie mogą się w ogóle ożenić z Binary s gen 2. W ten sposób Sylvia podzieli się swoimi pieniędzmi ze swoim małym bratem, wypełniając pieniądze, które zebrał z Tahra There a Barrier Ring w pół zniszczonej wiosce, którą Corpul szybko sprzedał, aby mieć wystarczająco dużo pieniądze na pierścionek z Paragonem Wygrałbyś to teraz, jednakże. Najpierw musimy wywołać następne wydarzenia, rekrutując Hannibala. Hannibal jest jednym z tych bohaterów, którzy bardzo dobrze sobie radzą z walką, o ile uda Ci się przynieść walkę dla niego Binary pomógł mu w tym zadaniu z pewnym znaczącym statem zwiększając 1 Str Def, 4 Spd, 5 Res i 7 Mgc Jego umiejętności pozostają niezmienione, ale zaczyna się od niesamowitego Master Lance zamiast głupiego starego Wing Clippera Możesz też zauważyć jak on jest gotowy promować tak, jak Quan, Hannibal i że to oddział z Silesse pojawia się na północ od Luthecia, a mroczny biskup w Grutii budzi się z jego snu. Och nie. Podczas gdy bierze swoją codzienną drzemkę, wyzwolenie Armia wysunęła się do bram zamku. Jakże nieszczęśliwy z nich. To najbliżej mnie uderzyło podczas szturmowca ballista, a to z mini ballisticist. Nie ma to portretu, ale on ma Wielki Łuk, Zbrojoną Zbroję i zwykłą Wielką Tarżę, która pasuje do wszystkich mini-bossów balistycznych. Jego słudzy mają Killer Arches, ale ledwie jakieś statystyki trafią do nich. No dobrze, zacznijmy pracować nad nimi Nie powinno się długo. może nie podoba się Shanan, ale dla Swordmastera, z pewnością robi wszystko, aby podbić Str Def. Dlaczego nikt inny nie myślał o atakowaniu facetów strzelających do ballista Wszyscy inni po prostu płakali po silniku. Jednym szybkim tańcem Leen i mini-boss otrzymują swif t, ognista śmierć. Więcej mocy za opłacenie. Z całą balistą nie ma wyjścia, to jest czas Judy, aby zejść na dół. Tak jak większość mrocznych biskupów od tej chwili, ma rozsądną opcję Fenrir i jest całkiem sprężysta Więcej Co ważne, musi on zostać wysłany szybko ze względu na jego nowe umiejętności Wrath. Pamiętaj, jak Blaggi Sword anihilates nie tylko zbroje, ale także Dark-jednostek typu Tak, to będzie całkiem fantastyczne dla najbliższych kilku rozdziałów. It s about about EX Shoryukens Biedny facet nawet nie dostał szansy na ogień jego Fenrir raz. Myślę, że może pracować nad jej Lck i Res, ale ponieważ zabija wszystko, zanim te statystyki staną się problemem. Uważam, że możemy wziąć pod uwagę ten front bezpieczny idziemy na północ. Mamy dość zróżnicowaną grupę kawalerii o dość dobrych statystykach Forrest Duke Great Knights wszystkie sporty Srebrna broń i umiejętność ładowania Dwie kobiety Paladins mają Elwind, Mend i Prayer. Musar, dziecko jednego wujków Lewyn jest tym, którego się boję o tym, że jest obecny posiadacz Forseti, a mimo to dostaje połowę premii za drobną krew, ma więcej AS niż większość wszystkich w naszej armii, a Pursuit, aby z niego skorzystać To zarówno jego książka, jak i jego miecz główny mają decydujące znaczenie, które zwiększa z jego nową umiejętnością krytyczną, więc nie ma się tak dobrze uważać. Z biegiem czasu, on tylko otrzymywał niewielkie wzmocnienia poza 6 do Str, ale 4 mniej poziomów I m też trochę zaskoczony, aby zobaczyć Eyrios recolor że doesn Wygląda jak crap. Julia musi ukończyć trening, więc będzie miała sens z jakąś podwójną kopią Charisma, pozostając tuż przed zasięgiem Musara. Dzięki górze, wszystkie jednostki fizyczne atakują i przegapisz jej. Zrób to na tej umiejętności , dziewczyna Lekkie tomy nie są bardzo dokładne. Tylko niektóre z nich pozostają po tym czasie dla Teeny, aby spróbować jej nowego personelu. I to w jaki sposób neutralizujesz magiczne zagrożenia w tej grze. Mam poczucie, że nie jest to ostatnie widzieliśmy ten poziom-up. Podobnie jak Ishtar, Cisza nie zawiera Musar s Holy weapon, co oznacza, że ​​on a nawet w bliskiej odległości, ale nadal utrzymuje swoje bonusy statyczne. Bez wątpienia, Julia idzie, aby przetrenować go trochę ciemną magią, a Ced Tornado go na zabicie. Masz inne statystyki do pracy, chłopcze. Potem znowu staje się dobrym bogiem Nawet przy niskich statystykach, zawsze potrafi wyciągnąć kartę atutową Forseti. Dwa pozostałe Paladyny szybko trafiają do grona rodzeństwa Leonstera, które zostawia jednego Forresta Knighta, a jedna ballista w na południu. Dobrze, że to było dużo lepsze niż oczekiwano Ballsy, ale skuteczne. I z niektórymi Odzyskaj nadużycia, Julia wreszcie osiągnęła poziom 30 Ona jest całkiem Obrona - pobłogosławiła ten spektakl, damn. Time, aby podzielić jej spis między innymi postać Lana chwyta Nosferatu, ponieważ uzdrowiciele uzdrowiciele są zabawni, Ced sprzedaje swoje Tornado i wybiera wyższego Yormunganda, zamiast tego Leif odzyskuje, ponieważ daje pełny HP bez względu na jego niski Mgc Heal pozostaje bez kupy dla teraz. A po tym małym muzycznym interludium , wracamy Corpul. With Lana s Lightning i Paragon Ring w ręku, on jest gotowy do podjęcia Arena. Prayer Breaking Arena Zwykle nitujące gry. I całość to całkiem łatwo, zdobywając 7 poziomów w procesie Dość spektakularny Def zyski dostał się tam. Jego ojciec adoptujący robi tak samo dobre, ale tylko zyskuje na jednym poziomie, chociaż dobrym chciałbym, aby go awansował przed następną sekcją, więc spójrzmy na jego decyzje. Promocja domyślna Hannibala ma zostać Iron Knight Zyskuje minimalne zyski z zawieszenia, gdy jest Iron Knight, w rzeczywistości i sprawia, że ​​traci dostęp do łuków, ale mając 3 Move i czystą paletę czarno-białą. W dodatku może stać się Baronem, który daje mu solidna siła wzrasta wszędzie, zważywszy na jego re-promotion Nie ma żadnego dodatku do ruchu, ale Hannibal uzyskuje dostęp do większości normalnych rodzajów broni, w tym magii. Nie dostaje też ogólnej palety jasnoszarej, podobnie jak wszystkie inne wybory Barona, jakie widzieliśmy. Ponieważ już mamy Iron Knight i Baron, wybór jest całkiem oczywisty Iron Knight może być bardziej praktyczny, ale Baron daje Hannibanie możliwość używania zarówno broni jak i magii dosyć sprawnie 14 Magic dla jednostki fizycznej jest całkiem dobra. W związku z tym kupuje Ced s Wind i tomiki Tornado Kto by pomyślał, że Hannibal może patrzeć na wszystkie złe rzeczy. W każdym razie, oto strategia dla tej następnej części Areone będzie wysyłać oddziały Smoków, by zdobyć nasze zamki Każdy z nich będzie miał magiczną jednostkę potrzebującą treningu spotkamy się z nimi, a wszyscy pozostaną wokół Grutia. Trójkątne szwadrony smoków Dudes Gdziekolwiek widziałem to wcześniej. Jeszcze raz fucking Javelins. Chociaż podoba mi się, jak próbowali odróżnić wszystkich trzech przywódców drużyny z różnymi lancami Killer Silver Brave, statystyki and skills It s the little details that count. Seliph Return Rings himself, and is going to be supporting Corpul a little bit All the regular Dragon Riders will be prioritizing Corpul with their Javelins since he s the frailest The more dangerous squad leader has no ranged options, and so he won t be able to reach him It also gives Corpul the Leadership boost he needs to reliably dodge all that. Let the Power-Training commence Simply attacking them with Lightning gives Corpul a whole 48 EXP and there are eight of them, so the levels will be flowing fast. A pretty nice start for him And the RNG just can t help but to show its disdain to me. Things are going about as well for Hannibal, who s having fun showing off his new skills. He barely gains 1 or 2 EXP from fighting, since the Baron and Master Knight classes seem to have really low EXP gains The little levels he gets go straight to his Speed, at least. Meanwhile, Ced is pretty much wrecking everything, boss included The whole squad is anihilated in one turn. I d complain a bit about those gains, but it s not like he s struggling with the fights, or anything. Keep on trucking, Corpul That Defense is looking really good right now. And they tol d me Corpul was difficult to train. After his entire squad has been wiped out by a little kid, the leader notices something is going terribly wrong with this whole plan and gets the hell out of dodge Seliph won t leave him that pleasure. One last level from healing, and Corpul is caught up and ready to promote. At this point, everyone is pretty much just waiting for Hannibal to finish up with his group. He takes his time and breaks his Wind tome, but eventually finishes cleaning his plate Now on to Areone s remaining squad. The area which triggers their charge is just past that line on our army All the Dragon Knights in the group alternate between Killer and Master Lances, so it s a bit difficult to approach them in the first place. The Dragon Master just in front of Areone has a pretty kick-ass profile, with good stats, skills and yet another Dragon Lance I m almost shocked he didn t get a portrait. Yeesh Areone is even worse He s received some stat nerfs, with -1 Str Skl, but 3 Res Then aga in, now he gives 45 with his Charisma Leadership and he can actually throw his Legendary spear, just like how Altenna can toss the Gae Bolg around Aside from Forseti, using magic against him isn t much of an option anymore If he can t be defeated in one turn, it s preferable to simply put him to sleep. Also something I didn t notice at the time the new Nihil does protect him against a bunch of skills that the old Nihil didn t, but he is unprotected against criticals and effective damage from bows. Altenna takes a few hits luring them all towards our army Let s see how much damage we can do to them in one turn. Even with Areone s Leadership, I can counter with my own Leader and Charisma bots, and most of them go down quickly. The levels aren t great, but as long as the Dragon army is getting trimmed down I m okay with that. Areone s subcommander proves a little bit problematic with his Great Shield, so I have to pull out the big guns Or rather, the big axes. Larcei goes in for the kill, and e ven shows off some of her new moves. New moves, but old levels. Things are going pretty well Everyone is where I wanted them to be, and Leen just keeps getting nice stats. Every time I see the Devil Sword critting, I think about that 1 chance Nanna has of instantly dying from it. It s pretty amusing how many units of my team have a bit of a Skl problem, and despite that, I m not even noticing it Str Spd Def are so OP in Fire Emblem games. Areone I ve never had the courage to tell you but your new hair dye really doesn t look that good. Granted, sending Altenna against her adoptive brother is generally a very stupid idea, but I simply couldn t resist the sight of them casually lobbing legendary artifacts at each other. The decisive blow against him was Teeny triggering this long range sibling lover critical on him Prayer saves his skin, but he barely has any HP left. You know what they say Axes beat Lances. Granted, the Brave Axe kinda glitched out during the spins But hot damn that was awesome. Killing a guy with 20 Crit, Vantage Wrath and a ranged Killer Axe was already near impossible Try doing that when he s got a Prayer Ring equipped, halving all fatal damage and boosting his avoid when near death. That s one of the things I really love about Johan he always keeps getting better, step by step And he s still got one more item to obtain before reaching true godhood. One last Dragon guy remains, and Shanan gets the drop on hi m Somersaults are fun. Man, that felt really satisfying, mopping the floor with all those guys in one turn. I forgot to do a few things on the way, so before closing this chapter, Seliph shares some quality time with his dear wife Altenna was also supposed to speak with Finn Hannibal for 3 HP, but apparently that becomes unavailable after Areone s demise. We can do Leen Corpul though If you check out the script, they don t actually know they are siblings when they meet each other Maybe that s just me, but I m getting a strange echo of when Claude married Sylvia soon after a discussion which implied she was his long-lost sister. And there we go, we re done with this rather pointless war in Thracia Lewyn also spouts his most nonsensical line of dialogue in the entire game. Yes Empress Deirdre is where Julius inherited his shaman abilities from Return and Recover are just a mere thought away for him. If that was supposed to sound impressive, it failed miserably Return is a mere C rank that any staff user can master Recover is a B rank 7 people in our army can use that. As a matter of fact. Julius can t even use staves Binary didn t give him any rank for them either What the fuck, Lewyn. But that s something we won t see until next map Miletos, land of freaking magic users everywhere and some of the best loots in the entire game See you then. Adverts by Project Wonderful. Hey, adverts can be pretty annoying, right I know how it is I don t like it when I m browsing a site and I accidentally trigger an awful flash ad where a big, freakish iPhone starts singing at me That s why here on the Let s Play Archive we ll only ever serve up nice banners that behave properly. The Archive is a personally-funded hobby and without donation advert revenue we won t be able to kee p it going Please, if you enjoy the site, consider adding us to your AdBlock whitelist it really does make a difference. The Let s Play Archive. Part 31 Ep 30 The Aftermaph. Final Chapter The Last Holy War Part 3 Epilogue. Welcome back to Let s Play FE4 Binary Time to put an end to this whole mess What do you say about this, Psycho Julia. Well that s just peachy I was pretty sure I had left her weaponless though. Well, you see, Binary still kinda hates you When it put her mother s Circlet in her inventory, it also added a Purge tome That should explain why I was in such a hurry to dispose of Ishtar s troops I can t just wait for her to come to me and surround her with magic tanks. Especially since she has a very distinct tendancy to hide into Julius s Meteor range, which also aggros the Deadlords. The solution to this is to repeatedly silence her Now, I was prepared and have 3 charges of it missing Silence on Ishtar did not actually deplete any use , meaning we re now on a 18 turns time limit to reach and defeat Manfroy, seize Velthomer and go back to talk to Julia. A lot of those turns are going to be wasted by my elite anti-mage mounted forces journeying to Velthomer and Altenna bringing in a ton of baits. Fast-forward a few turns of moving around, and we re now near Velthomer However, that s not Manfroy guarding it Let s have a look at these Dark Bishops. Oh, so thore are more fake Manfroys Yep, you guessed it, that s a callback to the trick Gharnef was using during Marth s adventure. The real Manfroy is located in the very middle of the Hel Sleep Dark Bishops, and is actually pretty easy to locate if you check his profile His stats are surprisingly not-maxed, but pretty close nonetheless He sports the same Nihil Dracoshield combo as the damned Pegasus sisters, and offers Charisma to his troops His 8 leadership stars only apply to himself though, as the copies each have their own leadership of 4.The real kicker comes with his semi-legendary Maph tome, also known as Imhullu o utside of Japan No, we don t need Starlight to damage him, but the tome still shows amazing defensive capabilities It cancels any enemy attacks upon casting, meaning you can only get one attack per round on player phase, and none at all on enemy phase It also halves the opponent s attack speed, which not only ruins your Avoid but also lets Manfroy double more often than you would like him to. However, there is a workaround weapons that negate the Loptyr effect also negate the Mass I mean Maph effect So with either the Blaggi Sword or the Naga s Grace, he can be damaged pretty well. But before we get to that, there are a few Manfroy clones to destroy They thankfully aren t extremely resilient. Three down, two to go While the boys are busy dealing with them, Teeny will be luring Julia back towards Velthomer since even Silenced enemies remain agressive. Nothing much happens on enemy turn Delmud gets Sleep d in a perfect position to still provide Charisma support during his nap. Meanwhile, Nann a gets attacked by Manfroy Maph s animation is borrowed from the Hel spell and its sound effect is Yotsmungand s ominous wheeze Fitting considering its animation inspired Yotsmungand s, and Maph means demonic wind in Japanese. We re still pretty good on time though 13 turns should be more than enough. After all of Manfroy s copies have been defeated, Seliph finally confronts the real one Thanks to his shiny ring, he can put a pretty good dent into his HP. The baits have finally arrived And of course, they get properly ignored Man, that spell really hurts when it doubles. Oh for Pete s sake, now you re just stalling for time. I re-apply a dose of Silence on Julia, and then have Ares and Leaf wail on Manfroy Even with his high defenses and immunity to skills criticals, he certainly doesn t take physical damage as well as Burian. For being such a nuisance, he gets a death by pink armor. Now, on to this guy He s got a lot of HP, but he s just a High Priest Easy, right. Hahaha, of course not It s N aga time, ladies and gentlemen That s right, we have a freagin generic with the Naga tome, major holy blood and everything Manfroy s whole deal was skills, leaderhship and special effects This guy is just stat boosts all over the place Thankfully, his AS isn t as high as it could be because of his low Str. I present to you Seliph s odds while under one charisma, his own leadership, and with a 10 Skl legendary sword 17 damage at a 56 hit rate. This ll take a while. By all means, do not attack him with your legendary 10 Str Spd Def lance, Areone It s not like I need some help or anything. Wasting Tyrfing uses for several turns about sums up this fight. The priest s name is Dreizehn, by the way If my German isn t too rusty, it means he s the 13 th Deadlord. You know, if Manfroy can just pop Naga-wielding guys out of nowhere, I don t really see why he even needs to ressurect Loptyr in the first place Just go ahead and conquer the world with a bunch of Heim zombies. A few turns before I have to Silence Julia a third time, Altenna takes her chance to shine and lands a 37 hit And with a 16 crit added for style. Thanks for the help guys At least take some pictures if you only wanted to be here as tourists. What follows is pretty standard We grab Velthomer and shake Julia out of her mind control. then she obtains the almighty Naga tome It gives less boosts to her stats than in vanilla FE4 15 instead of 20 , but it still makes her quite the force to be reckoned with. In the regular game, you could just throw her at the Deadlords and she d solo them easily In Binary, they are incredibl y more powerful, and Naga isn t what it used to be, so we ll have to do things another way. But first, Altenna and friends will be visiting southern Silesse until Belhalla is conquered I don t really have any more use for them. And now, it s time for a Showdown Julius s 12 Deadlords, versus my 12 Livelords Something like that Basically my best fighters, as well as Delmud, Nanna and Leen for basic support. Seliph triggers Julius s ire, and the red team gets moving. I simply let them approach, set Delmud and Nanna into position, and have them poke at a few guys here and there. The stage is set, let s have our Epic Showdowns. Our first contestant is Eins His reputation as an invincible mountain was badly besmirched in his last encounter with Larcei the Broken One Will he be able to triumph over the leader of the enemy forces, or will he let a mysterious ring humiliate him a second time. So many blinks And the mountain has crumbled All he could do was land a feeble slash of desperation before a heavy defeat. Our next challenger also has a score to settle And with skills like that, he s likely to do it with style Fate has conspired to face this Galzus wannabe with the one who deprived him of his Astra Manual Will Zwei be able to overcome Nihil and triumph regardless. Doesn t look like it He s going to feel that one in the morning, folks. Finally a new face presents itself Drei will not be easy to subdue, with his mighty blows and sturdy defenses Is there someone in Seliph s army who can even match his wrath. Well, of course there is Who could forget our undefeatable Johan. Following behind him is Vier, who s here to last Thanks to her Recover skill, she gets back to full health every turn With Prayer, that sure is one deadly combo However, she forgot to use her Silence staff when she had the chance Will that be her undoing. Looks like it s gonna be an evil sword instead It s in those situations where you just wish you had capped that Luck. Another veteran used to these kinda duels, Funf, the mighty Snipette With a quick hand and a bottomless quiver, it seems like nothing can stop her. Unless the student outdoes his master For a Gatling Bow match, that one sure went fast. Skipping a few numbers in the German numbering, 11 Elf is next in line After graduating from Shaman to Sage and turning to dark magic, she shows her overconfidence by not using her Sleep staff while she still can Her Luna tome might be just enough to take magic tanks, who knows. I guess we ll never find out It s a shame Nihil doesn t protect against criticals anymore, isn t it. Last in numbering, but certainly not in threat levels, Zwolf proves that all you need is a Brave weapon and a unique skill to scare the hell out of the opposition With all Nihil users already assigned to other opponents, will anybody rise up to the challenge. Who but Fee, the Fortress of Doom and her arsenal of effective weaponry She goes straight for the jugular and proves that even Swords for Ladies can sting as hard as the biggest of claymores. Looks like we re almost out of time for team Seliph but-ohhhh Ced uses up his last charge of Blizzard to put his opponent to sleep That sure was one dirty move. cough Anyways, we have only 5 remaining Deadlords to take care of, mostly mages and the rather dangerous Neun who goes straight to punish Ced for his dirty tactics. Meanwhile, Sieben gets the hell away from the danger zone and heals Sechs 12 or so damage from Blizzard How nice. Here s her profile Dimethunder and Wrath in typical Freegian fashion She could be nasty against someone who can t finish her off quickly or dodge her attacks, but she s kinda asleep right now. Umbra saved her skin, but not for long Most of the deadlords were given non-generic palettes Sechs uses the same palette as Linda, for instance. Seiben is probably one of the least threatening fellows here He kinda hits hard, has a small chance to critical, but that s about it He s mostly here just for healing. I ve already said that more than a few times, but using Arthur endgame is just so much fun As soon as someone deals him more than the fateful 30 HP number, it s pretty much guaranteed he ll answer back with a Sol Wrath A nd if there s something endgame enemies don t lack, it s powerful attacks. Probably the most dangerous of the three anima users, Acht sports a high-caps class and a speed boosting killer tome On top of that, he needs to be defeated in one round because of Recover. I ll admit, that one was pretty lucky If only two more of his spells had hit, she d be dead 95 damage with Umbra protecting him though yeowch. Hey, what s up, Excalibur Valflame glitchiness Haven t seen you in two updates. As a rule of thumb, Neun is your typical Nihil or die swordmaster Really, you don t want to get caught in an Umbraethercrit Also holy crap, 6 skills, that s as many as freaking Julius. I honestly thought these two would get along well They have so much in common Neun and Zwei the Mercenary both have Odo blood, by the way The three anima mages also possess minor blood related to their element Fala Tordo Sety. Well, that leaves only this guy, Zehn Another goddamn Maph user, as if one wasn t enough He s got better s tats than Manfroy, but less defensive skills. The gloves are off Eat Naga, you purple asshole. Phew, now that that s taken care of, it s time for a final confrontation with Julius himself Let s see what he s got. Yeeeah, he s pretty brutal in his final form Loptyr doesn t just provide a mere 5 Res anymore, so Julius is now deceptively fast and accurate The only skill he s gained since last chapter is Nihil, just in case you thought you could cheese him with Larcei and the Blaggi Sword a second time. Also of note he doesn t have the minor Heim blood he had last chapter anymore. So yeah, you can t really just throw Julia at him and hope for the best She ll miss him way too often, and probably run out of Naga charges if you get a bit unlucky. Charisma Leadership bonuses give her much more favorable odds though, so let s have her weaken Julius a little before I. What No no no no NO That s not what you re supposed to do I wanted to show the world that Seliph has grown as an individual and can clai m the throne without some cheap overpowered Deus Ex Machina weapon. Julia, you re ruining everything Just leave the place to Seliph, okay. Okay, he isn t exactly doing all that much better himself, but at least we don t just hand over the main character s moment of glory to her sidekick Also, not doing 2 damage is really nice. Goddammit, you re not really helping my dramatic buildup, Seliph At least it s nice to know he s making good use of that Dracoshield. Oh hey, they gave Great Shield to the Loptyr tome too I guess 6 skills and a special effect just wasn t enough. Dismounting time Screw horses, let s finish this on foot, like true gentlemen.42 damage on Julius Something you could only dream of, in vanilla FE4 My fantasy of having an epic finisher to this adventure has been fulfilled. Urrgghhhh Take note, Celice While greed exists in men s hearts I will return You ve been warned Gaaahhh. One last fun fact for the road Do Julius dying words sound familiar, when he s slain by Seliph They re the same as Medeus death quote in the original FE3 That wasn t added in Binary, but it s a nice easter egg for those who took the time to fight Julius the harder way. And with that, the fight for Jugdral is finally over Man, that took awhile, but it certainly was a fun final chapter. Two more things to do before we finish up this story. First, some completionism Julia goes through the Arena and completely destroys Marth. Then there s the Again staff that I never got the chance to show off The long range animation doesn t show the targeted character, but it works It has no sound effect and can be used even on characters who have finished their turn, so it s only semi-working. But that s about it Seliph seizes Belhalla and we win Sadly, the ending is unchanged and unorthodox pairings are c onsidered null. So how about we try and imagine what has become of our heroes, considering all that s happened and the crazy pairings we got to witness. Exceptional Duelist and Beggar King On their way to Isaach, Shanan challenged Ulster to a duel for the Balmung, with little success His cousin dispossessed him of his sword, but also his throne and most of his savings Now King of Isaach, Ulster has been contemplating the idea of building a new Evil Empire like in the good ol days Shanan was never seen again. The Dark Wind After discovering what his father had truly become, Ced left for Silesse, claiming he would make his country a safer place one way or the other Several years after he inherited the throne, the whole country mysteriously became surrounded by violent blizzards that put anyone trying to cross them into a deep slumber. Paladins of Black and White The young lords resemblance to their parents and their swordsmanship with dark and cursed blades soon became the stuff of legends T he knights often argue about which of the two wields rapiers best, and the folks often wonder if those two aren t a wee bit too cosy for cousins. Unrelenting Forces The couple of restless fighters put as much energy into rebuilding Verdane as into their battles Soon, the unsavory population of Barbarians and Hunters was converted into Thieves and Snipers Oddly enough, that still does not stop travelling merchants from avoiding the whole region. Jungby Express Lana decided to cultivate her talent for staves by opening up Jugdral s first and only delivery system for goods and people by means of Warp and Return cannons Thanks to it, Jungby quickly became a major actor in the global economy As for Faval, he is often seen hanging out around the palace, a wallflower born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air. Magical Lovebirds The two siblings would often travel from Freege to Velthomer and vice versa In their attempts to revive their wounded houses, they soon ended up with a family of many However, inheritance disputes tore the whole household apart when several heirs for each of the Legendary tomes were found. Eternal Bachelor When asked about his celibacy, Delmud would often show his axe and answer This wife I know will never betray me Soon after taking the Dozel throne, a tragic incident involving a Devil Axe and a training dummy almost ended his life He has been recovering slowly since then, yet has lost none of his skills as a charismatic leader. Peerless Champions Johan and Larcei went on an adventure, taking leave of Granvalle with their legendary artifacts Their goal was to find anyone who could best their love-powered fighting prowess Word on the wind is they found their match near a small village of eastern Thracia in the form of a young, dark-haired swordswoman and a towering reformed bandit. Innocent Children Leen and Corpul kept playing lovers for years before they stopped playing and married for real After two generations of dancer-loving head s of the Blaggi Church, relationships between the two trades became less tense Young girls in skimpy outfits soon became the main attraction of Sunday masses, which boosted attendance considerably. Killer Couple Under Oifey s reign, Chalphy soon returned to be the peaceful haven it used to be under Sigurd s rule Fee made brigand-hunting the national sport, and lawbreakers throughout Granvalle feared her anti-thief squad of ladies with swords. Twin Lances Despite her heritage, the people saw Altenna as the legitimate heir to the Thracian throne, which considerably helped in quelling the age-old grudges between both parts of the country With the last heir of Dain lineage disappeared, the harmless Gungnir became a symbol of peace for the nation. Simple Protectors Theirs was a life just like their combat simple and straigtforward, bound by duty more than passion Finn remained in the capital city as the crowned heir s protector until he became of age to rule With his newfound interest for magi c, Hannibal started instructing aspiring Mage Fighters to the ways of throwing spears and tornadoes at the same time. Light Inheritors They were told that Julius power couldn t be matched, that a power born from incest was the most evil there was They proved them wrong King Seliph and Queen Julia put an end to this whole story the same way it had started by preserving the purity of their blood Besides, it could be worse They could be full-fledged siblings. Areone, L tranger Leaving the Gungnir and Thracia to Altenna, Areone left with his black steed for another continent There, he went by a slightly different name, adopted a more casual style and demeanor to blend in it s said that his life was filled with adventures. Now back to reality.127 turns per chapter on average That Tactics rank isn t going to look pretty. Yeeeep That s an E all right But I got an A in both Survival and Experience, which is really all I cared about for this playthrough Also C Combat because fuck this game and its random Adepts Lunas Astras Umbras criticals. And before we end this, here are out Top 5 units. Arthur with 34 Kills and 0 Deaths. I am so glad I made him a Mage Fighter Binary seemed to love him just as much as I did No matter the weapon, no matter the range, he s never disappointed. Leif with 36 Kills and 1 Death The Magus Sisters send their regards. Probably not much of a surprise either He was a bit shy while recovering from Thracia 776, but once he got a hold of that Dragon Lance, he became my most powerful cavalier. Number Three, and it s a tie. Ares with 39 Kills and 0 Deaths. Crippled by low stat caps or not, when you have the Legendary Sword of Life-Draining Criticals and Resistance, you re destined for greatness in this game. Johan with 39 Kills and 10 Deaths PURGE SAGES. Like a gift that keeps on giving, Johan went from better to amazing to holy shit, how do you even kill this guy Purge tomes aside Berserkers own in this game, and Johan simply was the best berserker there is. Lester wit h 43 Kills and 0 Deaths. Holy shit It s pretty telling how much emphasis this game puts on the player phase when your archer gets second place for MVP I mean, he was a fantastic archer, but 43 kills. And our number one killer is. Ulster with 44 Kills and 0 Deaths. Well, I certainly was not expecting that, although it does make sense in retrospect The enemy AI always had a strange fascination for his Handaxe, and Ulster was always happy to oblige. And a special mention for Ced, who not only scored pretty high in the kill list 8 th , but also owns the weapon with the most kills His father probably has a lot to do with that, though. And that s a wrap Hopefully you ve enjoyed this whole ordeal adventure as much as I did. All in all, it certainly was an interesting retake on Genealogy of the Holy War The game obviously takes a lot of cues from Thracia 776 by giving all enemies the ability to fuck you up and engineering harduous situations, yet at the same time, it empowers the player with plenty o f new options to return the favor It s a hack which gives you the exact right amount of epic stuff without resorting to the plethora of big numbers and many skills you d see in Awakening or most Inflation hacks. On the aesthetical front, there s a lot of issues Not just the silly portraits, but incomplete animations and rather uninspired spell animations Then again, the hack probably dates a bit, and I doubt there was enough technology back then to make badass custom spells At least the custom icons aren t too bad whenever the game doesn t suddenly forget to differenciate them Handaxe Iron Axe, Heal Mend, Elfire Hellfire, etc. But where this hack shines is how it managed to somehow rebalance FE4 Solo-ing the first gen with Sigurd isn t an option anymore Deirdre is actually good, so are the Joha brothers and the Chalphy knights Mostly thanks to the wide array of ASM shit that s all over the place, every character managed to feel unique and useful in their own manner And with more weapon v ariety and branched promotions, they also managed to make a lot of pairings more worthwhile in gen 1.I could go on and on about all the things I think this game did right, but that d just be repeating what I already pointed out in the LP So before I start ranting on about it, here, have a Christmas Lights Alec. 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